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A Joyful Face is always a Beautiful Face.

Currently, 20 THOUSAND PLUS of young children are participating in

"Draw your Dreams " art workshop in Texas, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia & India 

"You can make a positive impact in one's life"- Dinesh Doshi 

 "All the children are in the central division of Narok county and predominantly Maasai populations which allow few children in school. This draws your dream package could also be an incentive to have the children remain in school. Most of them have never owned a drawing book or pencils." - Rev.Patrick Ngigi, Kenya

Thank You to Our 2024 Sponsors

Lifelong Dream

Dinesh Doshi

Provide free Crayons & Drawing pads to young children. The creative process involved in expressing one's self artistically can help young minds to resolve issues as well as develop and manage their behaviors and feelings, reduce stress, and improve self-esteem and awareness.

I provide Free Crayons & Drawing Pads to all children so that they can have an equal opportunity to explore their own minds & dreams.

Direct contribution & 20% of my artwork sales support the art charity

Dinesh Doshi Creator & Founder 

Currently, all our charities are working with other educational and community-based services for less fortunate young children and abused young adults.

Every dollar contributed is used to purchase Indian art supply locally to support a local vendor, as well as maintaining high quality at low cost, for all the children in various countries, Kenya, Tanzania, Ethiopia & India.

Contributions are fully deductible for U.S.A. income tax purposes.

For Further inquiry: WhatsApp  +1 516 508 0656    Mailing: 54 Quintree Lane, Melville, NY 11747

For Donation, Sponsorship, General Corporate Enquiries & School visits: 
African Childrens Haven is registered as a 501 C3 organization with the US Internal Revenue Service.

  • Draw Your Dreams

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